"Mit neuen Möglichkeiten kommt neue Hoffnung und Kraft."


“Kein Abgrund ist so tief, als das Gott nicht noch tiefer wäre.”

— Corrie ten Boom (KZ Überlebende)


Als ich in den Abgrund stürzte, betäubt von überwältigendem Schmerz und Verzweiflung, war der Inhalt der hier genannten Themen für mich Entscheidend, um langsm wieder Stabilität zu finden und Schritt für Schritt aus dem Loch herauszuklettern – mit Gottes Hilfe und Barmherzigkeit.

Absolut essenziell ist, dass wir die "geheime Kraft" kennen, welche komplette Macht über uns hat und tatsächich die Richtung unseres ganzen Lebens vorgibt. Die Kraft die alles in unserem Leben entscheidet, wie wir mit den Dingen die geschehen umgehen, wie wir sie interpretieren und wie wir uns verhalten/agieren und wie wir uns in jedem Moment unseres Lebens entscheiden - diese Kraft ist nichts anderes, als unsere tiefsten inneren Überzeugungen - und es gibt kein Mensch der frei von ihnen ist.

Deshalb gehe ich in diesem Abschnitt umfassend auf diese inneren Überzeugnungen (= Wertvorstellungen/Glaubenseinstellungen/Ideen - wie auch immer wir es benennen) ein, um ihr Wirken und Handeln in unserem Leben genauer zu beleuchten. Denn, solange wir die Auswirkung unserer Überzeugungen nicht erkennenn, haben wir keine Möglichkeit, den Kurs unseres Lebens zu ändern oder Gott besser nachzufolgen, denn:


Tatsächlich gab es schon einige Flugzeugunglücke, weil die Piloten nicht bemerkten, dass der Autopilot falsch eingestellt war. Oder, besonders tragisch, sogar Flugzeugabstürze, nur weil die Piloten nicht erkannten, dass der Autopilot noch eingeschaltet war. Sie kämpften verzweifelt mit dem Steuerknüppel, im Glauben, sie hätten die Kontrolle. Doch gegen den Autopiloten kommt man nicht an, es sei denn, man weiss dass er eingestellt ist und kennt auch die einzelnen Einstellungen und was diese für Konsequenzen haben.

Ähnlich wie beim Flugzeug, hat auch der Autopilot unseres Lebens alle Macht uns zu steuern. Er prägt einfach alles, z.B. wie wir die Dinge die wir erleben einordnen, wie wir damit umghen, welche Schlüsse wir daraus ziehen - und alles was wir so geleitet denken, wird dann zu dem was wir tun. Was wir tun verwandelt sich wiederum in unsere Gewohnheiten. Unsere Gewohnheiten aber wirken sich entscheidend darüber aus, ob wir im Leben Erfolg haben oder nicht. Unsere Gewohnheiten machen uns zu dem was wir sind. In anderen Worten, wie wir von anderen Menschen als Person wahrgenommen werden (wenn du z.B. die Gewohnheit hast, großzügig zu geben – dann wirst du auch als großzügige Person gesehen, das ist jetzt ein Teil dessen, "was du bist").

Also sind unsere Eltern an allem Schuld? Nicht wirklich. Sie tragen zwar eine grosse Mitverantwortung, jedoch kopieren wir unsere Eltern nie zur Gänze. Wir treffen faktisch ständig eine ganz eigene Auswahl (was unsere Eltern und Leherer teilweise verzweifeln liess). Tatsächlich ist die mächtigste Stimme im Leben einer jeden Person - die eigene Stimme! Wir hören auf niemanden mehr als auf uns selbst. Und wir wählen selbst, welche Angewohnheiten und Überzeugungen von unseren Eltern, Lehrern und Freunden wir adaptieren und welche nicht. Das sind unsere Entscheidungen, wenn wir sie auch meist unbewusst treffen.

Natürlich gibt uns unsere Umwelt eine gewisse Auswahl vor und der sind wir bis zu einem gewissen Grad unterworfen, denn, wir würden uns vielleicht anders entscheiden, wenn wir denn wüssten, dass es noch andere Möglichkeiten gibt, dies oder jenes zu interpretieren. Doch im Zeitalter der Information hat auch diese "Ausrede" immer weniger Gewicht.

Wir kreieren uns unsere inneren Überzeugungen selbst und diese machen uns zu dem was wir sind und das wiederum bestimmt nun den ganzen Verlauf unseres Lebens. Das zu verstehen beinhaltet auch, den Unterschied zwischen einer Entscheidung und einer Intension/einem guten Vorsatz zu verstehen. Das ist ein wirklich grosses und wichtiges Thema am besten Erfasst mit einem Bild.

Aber ich möchte beim Thema unserer Grundüberzeugungen bleiben, unserer festen Überzeugungen und wie sie sich auf Christen auswirken. Wir alle haben feste Überzeugungen. Sie bilden unser Bewusstsein und sind absoluter Schlüssel für alles, was wir tun. Einige mögen denken, dass unsere Überzeugungen privat sind. Ich fürchte, das ist ein Euphemismus (beschönigende Umschreibung) der Wahrheit. Wir handeln immer nach dem, woran wir glauben. Also ist das, was wir glauben auch das, was die Menschen um uns herum erhalten werden/zu spüren bekommen – wie kann es da privat sein? Es ist ähnlich wie z.B. beim Zigaretten rauchen. Man mag sagen, das ist Privatsache. Ist man jedoch mit anderen Menschen zusammen, rauchen diese mit und so ist man u.U. mitverantwortlich, wenn diese an Krebs erkranken. Bestenfalls nimmt man anderen die frische Luft weg. Vielleicht denkt sich jemand, ich rauche nur wenn niemand in der Nähe ist? Doch selbst dann, wenn wir Familie haben, Menschen die uns lieben, die uns nahe sind, dann müssen die mit den hohen Kosten für die teure Sucht klar kommen wie ebenso mit den vielfältigen Kosten einer schlechter werdenden Gesundheit und nicht zu vergessen das schlechte Vorbild dass man setzt. So ist es mit allem was wir tun und was wir tun basiert auf unseren inneren Vorstellungen/Ideen/Überzeugungen/Glaubensgrundsätzen und das wirkt sich auf alles um uns herum aus - mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen - wie bitte kann das alles Privatsache sein? Das ist es nicht.

Daher sind unsere Überzeugungen, Wertvorstellungen/Ideen/Glaubensgrundsätze (wie auch immer wir sie nennen mögen) der absolute Schlüssel für alles, was in unserem Leben und dem Leben um uns herum passiert.

Grundwerte/Überzeugungen können sein:

  • Der Glaube an Gott/Götter
  • Festhalten am reinen Materialismus
  • Dass alles eine Bedeutung oder keine Bedeutung hat
  • Dass die Natur das Maß aller Dinge ist
  • Dass Menschen von Natur aus gut oder schlecht sind
  • Der Glaube, dass wir selbst für alles verantwortlich sind – oder auch nicht
  • Dass wir unsere Gefühle loslassen müssen, um perfekt zu werden
  • Die Idee dass nur das Ausleben all unserer Gefühle richtig ist - egal ob Menschen/Tiere/Umwelt um uns herum darunter leiden müssen
  • Die Idee, dass Liebe niemals Leid/leiden zulassen würde
  • Dass Leid und Krankheit ausschliesslich etwas Böses sind
  • Dass Männer und Frauen nicht gleich (gleichwertig) sind
  • Das der Mensch von Natur schlecht ist
  • Dass Kinder noch keine vollwertigen Menschen sind und nur mit harter Zucht und Ordnung etwas werden im Leben
  • Dass der Mensch kein Geschöpf ist
  • Oder die Idee, dass Kinder herrschen sollten, dass sie von Natur gut sind und alleine eine antiautoritäre Erziehung ihrer reinen, guten Natur gerecht werden kann
  • Dass behinderte Menschen weniger Wert usw. usf.

Alle diese Ideen/Überzeugungen/Werte und unzählige mehr, sind verantwortlich für alles was wir tun, wie wir denken und urteilen und das ändert sich auch nicht, wenn du ein Christ wirst.

Übrigens - den "geborenen Christen" gibt es nicht. Gott hat keine Enkelkinder, nur Kinder. Der Gott deiner Eltern kann dir nicht helfen. Das kann nur dein eigener Gott und Vater. Daher gibt es kein biologisches Wachstum der christlichen Gemeinde. Wir alle müssen Christen „werden“ – echte Nachfolger Christi aufgrund einer Entscheidung für Ihn, weil wir es wollen, weil wir Seine Vorentscheidung für uns und seine Liebe zu uns verstehen, dass Er real ist und dass wir Ihn als Herrn brauchen und wollen. Aus diesem Grund sollten wir eher „Kinder des Geistes“ als leibliche Kinder anstreben (was bedeutet, Menschen um uns herum in eine Beziehung zu Christus zu bringen – vorzugsweise durch ein nachhaltig positives Beispiel).

Aber warum ist es anders und doch nicht anders für einen Christen? Stell dir mal alle Ideen/Überzeugungen/Werte als unterschiedliche Farben vor:

Wenn wir uns bekehren und Christ werden, dann ist es so, als würden wir einen frommen, weißen Kittel über unsere inneren Überzeugungen anziehen.

Von außen sieht es daher so aus, als hätten wir alle dieselben Werte. Aber ein Querschnitt offenbart unsere innersten Ideen. Diese stellen wir normalerweise kaum in Frage, auch nicht im Leben als Christ. Das kann u.U. ein echtes Hindernis sein, Christus vorbehaltlos nachzufolgen.

Anmerkung: Ich sage nicht, dass alle unsere inneren Überzeugungen/Ideen/Glaubenssätze falsch sind. Ich weise nur darauf hin, dass es nicht für alle die gleichen sind, viele dieser Grundüberzeugungen sich sogar widersprechen und es somit auch keinen universellen Standard in unseren Herzen gibt. Dennoch vertrauen wir ihnen, als ob unser Inneres (unser Herz/Bauchgefühl) sich nie irren würde. Das ist das Problem. Wenn du mit guten Werten aufgewachsen bist, dann mag dein Bauchgefühl oft recht haben, aber wir müssen verstehen, dass dies nicht automatisch der Heilige Geist ist der zu uns redet.

Wenn die Erwähnung des Heiligen Geistes überraschend kam, dann lass mich dir erklären, dass ich in den Jahren, in denen ich Menschen begleitet und beraten habe, regelmäßig auf Christen stieß, die die Stimme ihrer inneren Ideen mit der Stimme ihres Gottes/ des Heiligen Geistes verwechselten. Und das hat natürlich oft zu zahllosen recht unheilvollen Resultaten geführt.

Vertrauen wir also auf unser Herz und Bauchgefühl – aber nicht ohne kritische Prüfung. Glaube nicht vorbehaltlos es ist Gott, wenn es deine eigenen Gedanken sind. Es ist in Ordnung zu denken, dass es dir Gott gesagt haben könnte, aber denke auch daran, dass es vielleicht auch deine eigenen Gedanken waren.

Du denkst, dass man unter solchen Umständen "Gottes Stimme" nicht mehr vertrauen kann? Nicht ganz. Du trittst nur von deinem eigenen Thron herunter und lässt stattdessen Gott darauf sitzen. Das ist am Anfang nicht einfach, aber mit der Zeit wirst du lernen, auf diese Weise Gott viel näher zu kommen.

Es ist wirklich wichtig, das Essenzielle von dem ich hier spreche, zu überprüfen. Ansonsten könntest du vielleicht verpassen, was Gott für dich vorbereitet hat, einfach deshalb weil deine eigenen Ideen dir im Weg sind. Beispielsweise werden wir oft so erzogen, dass uns vermittelt wird, dass das Empfangen von Liebe von unseren Bemühungen abhängt (Liebe für Leistung). Wenn wir also sündigen, erwarten wir, dass Gott uns bestraft, uns zumindest seine Liebe entzieht. Die Wahrheit ist jedoch, dass wir alle ständig sündigen. Wenn also Gottes Liebe davon abhängen würde, hätte niemand Anspruch darauf, seine Liebe, seine Gunst, seinen Segen zu erhalten. Gott sei Dank tut es das nicht! Die Sünde hat in ihrer Natur die Eigenschaft unser Leben zu zerstören und die Schleusen des Himmels für Gottes Segnungen zu verstopfen. Das ist der Grund für das Verbot der Sünde, sie zerstört uns und andere.

Lasst uns also von Gottes Botschaft, seinem Wort neu ausrichten. Damit die Werte unserer Kultur und unseres Wesens in uns abnehmen können und Gottes Werte in uns zunehmen.

Ist es für Christen anders, wenn sie im Leben abstürzen? Ja, auf drei Ebenen:

  1. Aufgrund unserer Beziehung zu einem allmächtigen, liebenden Gott und persönlichen Vater haben wir eine beständige und enorme Kraftquelle, um selbst das Unmögliche zu überwinden.
  2. Weil für Menschen die in einem christlichen Umfeld aufgewachsen sind, die Botschaft von Gott manchmal auch an Kraft verliert durch Gewöhnung, im Sinne von einer Resistenz entwickeln, gegen die kraftvolle, heilende Botschaft Jesu, aber auch durch mögliche falsche Lehre.
  3. Weil die Verbindung zu Gott auch eine reale Beziehung ist, wird sie – wie jede andere Beziehung, die wir haben – bei einem Zusammenbruch negativ beeinflusst. Tatsächlich kann der Schmerz, dass ausgerechnet Gott, die Liebe unseres Lebens, uns solches Leid zumutet, den Schmerz sogar extrem verstärken.

Unsere Beziehung zu Gott ist in jeder Lebenslage entscheidend und diese Website richtet sich auch an Christen, die wie der reiche junge Herrscher in der Bibel sagen können: Ich habe alle Gebote gehalten, was kann ich noch tun (= warum ist das ausgerechnet mir passiert/ausgerechnet jetzt wo ich alles richtig mache)?

Stell dir vor, du bist immer für deine Familie da. Du ehrst deine Ehefrau/deinen Ehemann. Du ehrst auch Vater und Mutter (auch wenn sie es nicht verdienen). Du arbeitest hart. Und du strebst jeden Tag danach, ein besserer Mensch zu werden. Du bist ein treuer Haushalter und gibst doch gleichzeitig großzügig. Du bist für andere da und dienst treu in deiner Kirche. Du bist allgemeinen loyal und betest täglich und bittest um Vergebung für deine Sünden, während du versuchst, keine davon zu wiederholen. Du bildest dich weiter und sorgst dafür, dass dein Geist und dein Körper gesund und sauber bleiben. Stell dir weiter vor, du würdest alle diese Dinge sogar Jahrzehnte lang tun, aber: (falls du es schwer hattest, in deiner Kindheit) dein Schicksal sich trotdem nicht ändert; oder (wenn du eine stabile Kindheit hattest) plötzlich diese schlimmen Dinge geschehen ein Unglück nach dem anderen und du verlierst alles und sogar deine Freunde/Familie wenden sich von dir ab. Dann kommt selbst beim stärksten Christ der Zerbruch, das Gefühl, von Gott – der Liebe des Lebens – absolut abgelehnt zu werden. Das fügt sich dem schon unerträglichen Schmerz noch hinzu.

Gerade wenn die inneren und äusseren Qualen unermesslich werden, sieht es schnell so aus, als würde sich der, den du über alles liebst und verehrst, Gott Jesus, sich nicht mehr um dich kümmern. Und das ist ein absolut unerträglicher Schmerz und eine zusätzlich Herausforderung zu der fast unmöglichen Aufgabe, wieder auf die Beine zu kommen.

Das Problem des Gefühls der Ablehnung wird zusätlich schwierig, wenn du noch dazu Eltern hattest, die (anscheinend oder tatsächlich) nicht an dir interessiert waren. Dann scheint es, als würde Gott diese Ablehnung wiederholen. Bitte lass mich dir mit gewissheit versichern, Gott liebt dich(!), auch wenn du dich nicht annähernd so perfekt verhalten hast, wie der „reiche junge Herrscher“ in der Zusammenfassung oben.

Merke auf, du bist nicht allein! Du teilst deinen Schmerz mit einer gewaltigen Zahl. Doch Gott weist dich nicht zurück und auch keines seiner anderen Kinder! Aber wenn du glaubst, dass Schmerz und Liebe zu 100% Gegensätze sind, die niemals zusammenpassen können, dass Gott dich also nicht liebt, wenn er Leid in deinem Leben zulässt, dann hast du natürlich ungleich mehr Schwierigkeiten jemals zu verstehen. Du fügst deinem Leid damit noch unnötige Schmerzen hinzu (überprüfe deinen Autopiloten → Essenziell). Lies die Bibel, lies die Psalmen und die Apostelgeschichte, lies und lerne, dass wir in dieser Welt leiden werden – manchmal extrem – und doch liebt uns Gott. In dieser Welt geht beides miteinander - weil es muss. Eine Welt mit einem liebenden Gott der sich Wesen als Gegenüber erschaffen hat, kann ohne die Möglichkeit zu extremem Leid nicht funktionieren. Das wäre nur möglich, wenn wir Marionetten wären. Doch gerade das sind wir nicht. Wir können nur wachsen und nur den Abgrund der Sünde erkennen, wenn wir ihre Auswirkungen erleben. Und wir können nur zu wahrer Grösse wachsen, wenn wir im Kampf (den wir übrigens niemals alleine kämpfen müssen) bestehen. Es reicht aus, dass wir treu bleiben um zu siegen. Darum kann absolut jeder/jede siegreich hervorgehen. Gott hat ausserdem das ulitmative Rezept um Mist in Gold zu verwandeln, wenn du ihn lässt. Mach einfach weiter und richte deinen inneren Autopiloten (deine Überzeugungen/Vorstellungen) auf Gottes Vorstellungen über dich, dein Leben und den Sinn der Menschheit aus. Merke dir:

  1. Du brauchst Geduld! Versuch nicht, Gott zu erpressen, indem du ihm drohst, ihn zu verlassen, wenn er dir nicht sofort hilft. Normalerweise antwortet er nicht auf solche Amassung. Vergiss nicht, wer Gott ist – du bist es nicht.
  2. Wenn deine Wunden wirklich groß sind, wenn dein Inneres von einer Klippe gefallen ist, in tausend Stücke zerschmettert, dann wirst du lange brauchen, um wieder auf die Beine zu kommen. Es stimmt, es kann mit Gott viel schneller gehen als ohne ihn (und ich bin mir bewusst, dass gerade Zeit entscheidend sein kann, weil es ja schlimmer wird je länger es dauert!), und dennoch. Je schlechter es dir geht, desto länger dauert es. Ich fürchte, daran führt kein Weg vorbei.

→ Lies die Psalmen, Sie enthalten viele kostbare Worte eines großen Mannes (König David), der sehr viel Leid auf allen Ebenen kannte und der seine großen inneren Schmerzen in singende Gebete verwandelte. Bis heute sind diese Gebete für unzählige Menschen ein großer Trost und große Kraft. Mache diese Psalmen zu deinen eigenen Gebeten.

Möglicherweise muss du auch noch an deine Informationen über Gott und damit über dich selbst arbeiten, sie aktualisieren. Wenn deine Vorstellungen von Gott und dir selbst nämlich falsch sind (z.B. wenn du denkst, du bist nur wert, Liebe zu empfangen, wenn du dich gut benimmst/wenn du nie sündigst), dann wirst du vielleicht nie vollen Zugang zu Seinem Reichtum und Seiner heilenden Kraft erhalten. Nicht weil Er es dir vorenthalten würde, sondern weil du es nicht empfangen kannst. Überprüfe daher was → Essenziell ist (oben). Hör dir gute, solide Lehre an (z. B. Timothy Keller - auf deutsch vor allem die Bücher). Sutdiere die Bibel mit Gottes Hilfe. Bete ehe du liest, dass er dir helfe, zu verstehen. Kümmere dich dabei nur um das was du bereits verstehst und handle danach. Mit der Zeit wird dein Verstehen so automatisch wachsen.

→ Check out the fundamentals (above). Listen to good solid doctrine (e.g. Timothy Keller).

This is a very big topic and I have a lot to say about it, because I have dealt with it extensively for over two decades.

I found out that the issue is less of an intellectual and more of a personal nature. In fact, on a purely intellectual level, a world - with a loving God, mind you - is unimaginable without suffering. Suffering is necessary and unfortunately unavoidable even for a loving God who created beings into his image (called to be like him). But when certain things happen, or when you have to witness certain things or go through them yourself, then you reach your limits - everybody has a breaking point. Then, even a high intellect can no longer be a source of comfort. Nevertheless, it is certainly an advantage, if one can at least understand/grasp a little of the big "why". Because assuming absolute futility makes everything even more unbearable.

At this point, however, I do not want to provide my own extensive research results, because there is a gifted speaker who already explains a lot about this very well and since I agree with most of what is been said in those lectures - and since it is easier to listen than to have to read everything - so here is the link to the series on: God of love versus a suffering World:

God of Love: World of Suffering? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZV9G4XIHPM

God of Love: God of Judgement? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUazX6wJPgo

God of Love: Church of Arrogance? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9SnjVkWHhE

PS: I might add, that no matter what you believe on a personal or character level of this speaker, I would still advice you to just listen to what he says. For even people we might question on a personal level can (at least occasionally) still tell the truth. Lets not miss out on the riches of a message just because of the human nature of a speaker (generally speaking).

Insomnia is a big problem that originates as much as it causes and prolongs extreme distress.

The anxiety, the flashbacks, the nervous restlessness, the constantly racing thoughts, the horrible nightmares, the breathing problems, the many pains, the arrhythmias, the sleepwalking, the hypervigilance - it's awful. In the morning one can be so exhausted that one cannot get up for hours, even though the mind is fully awake.

Those who suffer from such heavy burdens don't get very far without soon losing their minds. As if the torturer was standing next to the bed and would continue to torment you even years after the horrors you suffered occurred. This also applies to people who are neither neurotic nor hysterical and sometimes don't even remember the trauma exactly, let alone dwell on it. Repression has no less an aggravating effect than an over preoccupation with it.

The only thing that really helped me at the time (because medication didn't help me one bit) was "listen" to good stories all night long, that didn't involve any exciting sounds or screams or other triggers. When I say listening, I mean just letting it run all night. That way your subconciousness is constantly preoccupide with what it hears and doesn't drift of to the nightmares quite as easaly as without it. That also worked very well with pious stories from the childhood, just let them run in a continuous loop. Or with sermons and the Audio Bible.

However, at my worst, the Bible and even a good sermon were of little comfort as they reminded me too much of how far I felt from God, which caused me great grief for a several months. That was hitting rock bottom.

But to continue on what is helpful: It is also important to stay away from anything "exciting"– such as social media, letters, emails or phone calls – in the last few hours before bedtime. Unplug/turn off everything if necessary. It is also important to eat healthy (as far as you can afford that) and, if possible, to exercise - also at home in the case of pronounced agoraphobia developed due to the traumas insecurites. Though it would be better to go outside for a walk/run.

However, Iet me introduce you to maybe the most effective trauma release ever - only use under extreme distress so that it does not lose its power by overuse - and that's Jim Banks' trauma prayer linked here.

Please note: I linked the full version of the trauma prayer here, also the introduction, for it is good to get prepared. Yet if you are feeling extremely bad, then the unnecessary "laughs" in this lecture are very inappropriate. At the time, I was negatively surprised why jokes were being made on such a topic. It was hard to take. Also, I'm not a fan of anything that I would remotely classify as "Christian esoteric" and I don't want to advertise it here, but the following prayer is truly God-led and can be very helpful.

This prayer was definitely a great help for me and countless others - and I sincerely wish the same for you. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLZFxxIAnKE)

Trauma, PTSD, Anxiety, Burnout, Breakdown, Distress, Depression?

For this website it doesn't matter how you call what you suffer from. All of these diagnoses can have a relatively high overlap. Here is an excerpt from an article on PTSD and Burnout (just to share a shred of more professional inside) from Barbara L. Schuster, MD, MS, MACP; Published:March 15, 2021:

"...The trigger to posttraumatic stress disorder is exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violation. The exposure must result from one or more scenarios: the person must directly experience the traumatic event; personally witness the traumatic event; learn that the traumatic event occurred to a close family member or close friend; or experience first-hand repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the trauma. Behavioral symptoms are important to the diagnosis and include re-experiencing the traumatic event, such as recurrent dreams or flashbacks; avoidance described as distressing memories, thoughts, or reminders of the event; negative moods or cognitions; and arousal that include aggressive, reckless, or self-destructive behavior, sleep disorders, and hypervigilance.
The primary intervention for a person with posttraumatic stress disorder is psychotherapy, including cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and eye movement desensitization, and reprocessing with or without medications. When people with burnout or posttraumatic stress disorder are tested, the outcomes on the Maslach Scales may overlap. Suicide is a concern in both groups. Burnout is felt not to be a direct cause of suicide, but significant chronic burnout may lead to clinical depression, which increases the risk of suicide. Studies suggest that depression is highly comorbid with posttraumatic stress disorder and a risk factor for death from suicide. Thus, depression may be a “confounder, mediator, or modifier of the association.” Studies of veterans and active duty military have led to conflicting outcomes of the relationship of posttraumatic stress disorder, with increase in suicides. ..." https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(21)00156-X/fulltext

Since many of these diagnoses have a high overlap, it is not surprising that misdiagnoses often occur. So I don't want to differentiate on this website. Rather, everyone who is seriously struggling with such symptoms in one way or another should feel addressed.

As mentioned several times on this website, this protal can not replace a doctor or psychotherapist or support group.

When I collapsed some years ago, I even needed medication for the first time in my life, just to be able to function at all. Without the medical help, I don't know if I would have survived the first few months. What a gift from God to have access to such help. But I understand that this is not for everybody. I don't have a weakness in the area of drugabuse, so it was no problem for me. Thats of course very different if you du struggle with substance abuse. Yet again, a professional might be able to help anyway. So just be honest. Remember, God works mainly through other people to help us, we should never forget that - also you might be an Angel for someone else.

The physical implications of a real mental breakdown are extensive.

A Summary:

"Life is a constant process of adjustment. If this adjustment fails, dissatisfaction arises. The risk of numerous chronic degenerative diseases also increases. The aim of this chapter is to provide a representative overview of the current state of research on the subject of stress and health impairments. Based on the question of whether there is a connection between stress and the risk of mortality, various diseases and symptoms (cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, overweight/obesity, cancer, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, bronchial asthma, cognitive performance, migraines/headaches, sexual function, mental disorders). This should show researchers the variety of approaches from which one can approach the topic of stress and health impairments."
Gerber, Markus: Stress as a risk factor for physical and mental health impairments (DE/ 2017).

As the short summary already shows, the implications of a real mental breakdown are complex and far-reaching. Persistent distress is very unhealthy and few things are quite as stressful as trauma/PTSD. This is far more than just being "stressed out".

It is often the ongoing stress over years itself – long before we actually break down physically – that leads to a burnout. Persistent stress, the inability to adapt, to constantly fail, the constant bad experiences - they eventually lead to depression as another symptom and again another cause of distress to complete the circle. Because depression robs us of the energy we most need right now, some survivor experts therefore counter with aggression (hints why depression and anger can and do go together). They get angry because anger and hate is a powerful source of energy.

That's also part of the reason why victims don't want to let go of their anger/hatred, because otherwise they have nothing left to sustain them - seemingly. But anger and hatred are self-destructive sources of energy. They are, in fact, like a drug that ultimately poisons whoever takes them over time. Also for the people closest to you. It is pure poison to have to live with an aggressive angry person.

Therefore there is no excuse before God by which we could hold on to our hatred and anger - also because God is the only one who actually makes this source of energy unnecessary. Because He can provide much more power and he carries a broken person and He can raise them up again.

But in order to be fully able to recieve Gods provision, we must first let go of our own tools and also our "claim" to so called "justice". We cannot enforce personal justice, nor can we achieve it ourselfs. If we really want justice for ourselfs, we must surrender to God.

We are designed for inner peace and joy. That's fertilizer for our health. But ongoing distress puts us in a vicious circle that is hard to get out of. So to listen to the "Good News" of Gods love, mercy and power and recieving it, thats the ultimate antidote. Lets not miss out Gods riches just for some minor idea of whats right for us.

To Family and Friends

I would like to say something to the people next of a person who sufferd a complete breakdown.

Now, before I say anything else, let me say: thank you for making such an effort. I would not have made it back quite so "quickly" - not even with the loving help of God - had I not had a "safetynet" - a loving family in my case. However - paradoxically - the same close family and friends can become also part of the problem.

I also want to put in here a little text from a website. If you are interested in the topic, just check on the many websites that exists, or ask a professional directly. However, I want to share more of a personal inside. But first a little cutout from what experts have to say on the topic:

"PTSD can make somebody hard to be with. Living with someone who is easily triggered, has nightmares, and often avoids social situations can take a toll on the most caring family. Early research on PTSD has shown the harmful impact of PTSD on families. This research showed that Vietnam Veterans have more marital problems and family violence. Their partners have more distress. Their children have more behavior problems than do those of Veterans without PTSD. Veterans with the most severe symptoms had families with the worst unctioning. How does PTSD have such a negative effect? It may be because those suffering with PTSD have a hard time feeling emotions. They may feel detached from others. This can cause problems in personal relationships, and may even lead to behavior problems in their children. The numbing and avoidance that occurs with PTSD is linked with lower satisfaction in parenting."
Effects of PTSD on Family: https://www.ptsd.va.gov/family/effect_families.asp

Now, what I want to share - with all who love someone that just recently suffered from a severe trauma - are the two things I personally needed most when I fell into the abyss.

This is my personal inside and people and families are of course very different (maby your family isn't at all loving and understanding) - so this is not necessary helpful for everybody.

But I hope I can give some humble relieve to former good relationships that became hurtful, by giving two (for me) very important rules to keep:

  1. Please do not talk (only telegram stile)
  2. Do not touch

That's maybe a little radical. It also depends on how fresh the breakdown is. If it's years back it should be okay to talk more, to even dig in and ask the most horrible questions of all: how do you feel/how are you doing (how I heated that!). Yet it depends of course also on the development of the "patient". The same way, the touching depends. I would say, just let the affected person touch you gently, if they are ready. And if so, just remain like "shy", meaning, let the affected person keep control over the situation - as long as he/she treats you respectfully.

In other words, if you are dealing with someone like I was back then, think of that person like a wounded wild dear. Don't approach directly, let it come to you. If you ask a question, wait. Perhaps minutes or even hours. In my case, in the beginning, my tongue was like "disconnected". Even when I wanted to say something, I just couldn't. So, give time until the stricken person you love is capable to respond.

Of course, you can force an answer, but that answer you are not going to like, and guess what - the person you asked didn't like it either! I heated my violent verbal outburst so, so much - every unfriendly word! I loved the people around me. I saw how much they tried to make an effort to understand and even to tolerate my behavior. And yet - that was the worse! For my behavior was not right. And I didn't want it to be okay. I did not want to hear: "I understand".

Seriously, that was killing me. Someone who does understand is not in need to say anything. As a matter of facts: I begged time and again for them to please just not say one word, to leave me alone. And most certainly not talk about "IT". No: "Tell me how you feel, or tell me about your feelings". There is a time and place for that - it must get out, but please don't force it - or let someone else be the mediator.

At times, it seemed impossible for the people around me to just let me "arrive" - and seriously, that made things so much worse. But I also want to repeat: "Thanks to all of you very much, for making such an effort!" Seriously. You must be an amazing person. Therefore all the more, you don't deserve any unfriendly word or gestures.

Maybe - in the beginning - there needs to be a distance in order to protect you as well as the affected person, from getting hurt more. Also remind yourself that failure is not exactly helpful: to gain back any self-esteem, self-confidence, strength and control (necessities to heal). But relationships can be like living on a minefield/battlefield, if a person with PTSD is involved.

Remember, time heals wounds - well perhaps not completely - but it will get better eventually. Also learning how to cope with being crippled inside. The invisible wheelchair.

As I stated many times on this website, patience is of the essence - also for the people around a wounded person. It might seem like a hopeless case - but especially if you and the person affected - are Christians, if you can count on the help of the Almighty then you have every reason not to loose hope.

Also - just like the affected person - you as a close family/friend should seek professional help or talk to the pastor (and together seek Gods Wisdom). Especially if you are in a marriage and you are both Christians. It is worth fighting for. And if you really want to help the one you love directly - just stay loyal and pray!



Another topic I want to address is our childhood. Whether we like it or not, what we endure when we are young, has great impact on our life and development, at least at that Sigmund Freud was right.

Without delving deeper into this big topic, let me get straight to the point and that means: depending on what we have experienced and how we process/interpret what we have suffered, we develop what I like to describe as a kind of "allergy" against certain words, actions, people, scents etc.


What does that mean in relation to this website? This means that most of what we experience throughout life, we don't even notice - unless we developed a specific "allergy" against certain things. More specifically, if e.g. we suffered from rejection in our childhood, then we are predestined to “experience the same rejection over and over again” throughout our lives. However, a person without this "allergy", might experience the exact same rejection, but without realizing it or not caring much about it! You can also think of it like different signs in life for everybody (picture – hope it shows):

Depending on what you "expect" to find, or what you used to, you will always pick the "familiar" signs, those that line up with your expectations and your inner convictions and you follow their lead.

This means that we are not necessarily "victims" who have to go through the same thing over and over again, while others never experience it. Rather, it means that others experience it too (same choice), but deal with it differently/choose differently. And this knowledge is our chance.

So, the good news is, we can learn to deal with the things that happen, the choices in front of us. First of all, realize that it is not a "curse" nor does it have power over you. If you are a true Christian, you are even free from possible forces of evil. But if you had to deal with the occult in your childhood or adolescence, then you are vulnerable in that area. Once the devil sends a shadow, previous victims/participants become frightened and believe the devil still has power over them - even if he really doesn't. God said to Abraham: "I lay before you life and death - choose life." That goes for you to - even more than for Abraham.

Another allegory could be Hector versus Nehemiah.

If you have seen Hollywood's Troy, you may remember Achilles, screaming loudly for Hector; in front of the unassailable walls of Troy. And Hector would not have suffered any harm, if he had refused to leave the safety of the city walls to fight. The same was true of Nehemiah in the Bible (Neh 6), but unlike Hector, he refused to leave his secure post.

Let's apply the same wisdom as Nehemiah and stay in the "safe city of God" and behind his strong unassailable arms. Let him fight for us - also for our right, our name, our peace, our families etc. And let him reprogram you and give you the wisdom to choose differently in the future. This different directions are available for everybody - yet certain pathways can be much harder for you than for others. A bad childhood can stain us with some "allergies" against certain treatments, people, actions, etc. That is something that we need to work on, with the help of God and his healing power. And God will help - by not protecting us from exposure but to lead us into it and to put us together with the very thing we are troubled by - yet understand if its Him who does that, he does it to free us! The quicker you learn to forgive to accept (also yourself!) and to let go (very important! - Do not hold unto it!) the sooner you're a free person (listen to Timothy Keller - Pray your Fears below).

Now a word to those of you who think, that it would not be right to let go, that you demand justice, that you want God to do this or that - let me tell you what he told me. It was tough but the only way to freedom and success. He told me (in the middle of a fit): "Stop! What you want, not even I can give you!"

I was stunned. I wanted justice, acceptance, and love! Should be right up Gods alley! I wanted that the void in me would be filled - so how should God not be able to do so! I was almost to surprised, to give into the desperation. However, God did not leave me without an answer. He showed me, that my problem was, that I had clear Ideas of how to receive what I wanted. So not my desire in itself was the problem, but my Ideas of what I needed and what God had to do in order to give me what I wanted. I needed to let go - of all of my past. For not even God does change the past. It is what it is. But instead of demanding, I started to just open up. I stopped to make the world and the people around me pay for my shortcomings and gave it all to God. That’s when he would give me - not what I wanted, but what I needed. It was amazing and so much more than my boldest dreams.

By the way, I have met with people that would not let go - under no circumstances - and the reason for that was (CMCD): "the Count of Monte Christo Disease" - as I call it. For in the movie with Depardieu (as I have never read the book) there is a part where the naval architect is faced with the impossible task of creating an exact replica of a ship in an impossibly short amount of time. Yet Monte Christo insists and assures that he would pay any amount to get it done. The ship's architect then said, that wealth would give him certain rights, whereupon Monte Christo interrupted him and said: "It is not my wealth that gives me rights, but my misfortune." Oh yes!

- Sorry but NO.

It is precisely this enormous lie that all too many former victims are all too happy to believe (even created a generation of people who claim they suffer "from whatever" for the soul purpous to claim extra rights!). I liked it too, for many years. The idea of extra rights because of injustice. But such arrogance and untruth must be rigorously discarded by a Christian. This world would perish within days if every person who suffered injustice would usurp such a rights.

Our mission is not revenge but the love of our enemies - so justice can finally be achieved.

This is an interesting topic and I am considering translating one of my treatises on the subject, into English; to then attach it here. There I lay out more clearly why it is true that the very love of our enemies brings justice; and that Nietzsche, Freud and Co. were quite wrong when they thought that charity is a weakness or would even encourage injustice - the opposite is true, but it takes either faith or a little more than average understanding to grasp that.

Due to my expirience I am of good cheer, for I have seen that true victims, people who really suffered from injustice are much more open to this truth then thoes who didn't. For it takes the power of a humble spirit to let go of self-made demands of power. And to have suffered in life does make a person stronger not weaker - and therefore more humble and open to the other ultimate power - the Lord God Jesus.

"Tell me, where is god now?"

This is perhaps one of the hardest questions. Because, what if this God doesn't even exist? What if I was only chasing a beautiful fantasy (- talking about the Christian perspective - for a non-Christian it might be the other way round)? Well that "your God" does not exist might even be true - e.g. if your ideas about God do not match his own representation of himself. So that needs to be addressed (but not in a way that replaces one wrong idea with another). Yet, speaking of my own ideas about God: Should I hold onto it, just to make myself feel better? Should I really lie and deceive myself like this?

It was clear to me from a young age, that I would not lie to myself just to protect me. I want to know the truth, no matter what it looks like (thats easy said and all though I ment it, it was not easily achieved). So, this led me on a long journey of many years, during which I naturally learned to question my own beliefs. Like many before me, I would probably have gotten stuck in an eternal philosophical loop, if God had not decided to personally take care of me. I owe that mercy on me solely to people who prayed fervently for me, during all this time (as I found out later). So Christ gave me two major gifts:

Gift number 1: He proved himself to me quite powerfully through mighty miracles. That was a tough one, because I refused to believe in miracles. Therefore it ment something, because a rational mind like mine, that has an answer for everything, is not so easy to convince. Yet I received miracles of biblical proportions when I really didn't deserve them.

Gift number 2: I received suffering and pain. Yes, that was a gift. Because that was the only way I was able to leave the academic bubble of theories and counter theories and descend into reality. Because any theory that fails the test of reality is not worth considering. This gave me the opportunity to grow more then ever and learn from real suffering real understanding.

I am aware that my experience with God won't help you much. But let me encourage you along with all the uncountable hereos of faith in the bible and ever since, to truly submit with all you have and are to the wonderful God of the Bible as presented through it. That's the only way you'll ever know for sure. And if you are a follower of Christ, than it is also most important to understand that:

"We cannot separate the God of the Bible from his Bible without committing intellectual suicide!"

Any attempt to say, that parts of the Bible are true but other parts of the Bible are false, is an intellectual contradiction. You can say that this God does not exist. That's a valid objection until proven otherwise. But please don't try to decide for yourself, what is right and what is wrong in the Holy Scriptures, possibly, with complicated, highly intellectual exegetical maneuvers. I know because I've studied theology and all the endless books on exegesis and hermeneutics that go along with it. Most of it is worth very little, I'm afraid. Because they are just incredibly wrong. One can only wonder what some scholars would do with a collection of diaries today. When over the years font, vocabulary and attitudes of certain people can change so much, that it looks like different people wrote it. Maybe your own collection of letters are like that over the years (though not all people are so rich in changes). However some scolers might decide that your own letters where written by a number of different people over hundreds of years?

Well I'd advice you not to go there. You can trust this God and his word. Yet for people of our generation, the Bible can be most puzzeling (it took me seven years of rigorous study to understand enough to stop getting angry at God and His Word, and I'm pretty bright - but maybe that was part of the initial problem). The issue remains though, that the Bible is subject to the interpretation of the respective reader. We simply cannot read anything without using our own brain and heart (and what they are filled with) to try and understand. That is exactly why I wrote about "the essential" above. That 's what we need to understand first, before we can understand anything else.

But if you ask yourself "where is God now", because you are suffering so much you just cannot believe that a God of love woud do this to you, or the people you love - well thats when it is so important to keep seeking God with all of your heart. You might read the Bible Psalms (my advice) for they are largely exactly about pain. They cover all sorts of sufferings and also the pain of injustice, when people have done nothing wrong and yet still experienced great injustice:

Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak, who are caught in the schemes he devises. He boasts about the cravings of his heart; he blesses the greedy […] (Yet) His ways are always prosperous; your laws are rejected by him; […] He says to himself, ‘God will never notice; he covers his face and never sees.’ Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless. …” (Ps 10)

Also read Ps: 13/14/17 ect.
Listen to the videos below.

The Point is, that even mighty people of faith and strength have fallen into the pit - often. God never promised otherwise. You are not the only one. And if you don't turn your heart away from God, you will also be among the blessed to recieve more than you ever could imagen. Just let go of your own Ideas about God and submit to His way and His own representation of himself. And dont worrie. If you are too weak to carrie on - He is not. He'll carrie you(→ Poem: Footprints in the Sand).

Pastor Tim Keller - Psalmen (EN)

pray your fears and your tears

Are you ready to hear tough testimonies from three of God's Generals of Faith?

What if you can not believe and you certainly can not forgive? You are not allone.

Plötzlich Gehandicapt!